This Is Why We Need Jesus – Jesus Wants You – Are You Ready

Everyone Has Sinned

There are people in the world today who say that I am not as good as going to heaven and not as bad as going to hell. They think they are pretty good and God will give them a place in heaven anyway.

What does the Bible say about humans? The Bible says, “The heart is more treacherous than anything else, and it cannot be made better.” (Jeremiah 17:9).

“For all have sinned, and come short of the glory of God (Romans 3:23).” There is no one innocent, no one;(Romans 3:10).

Everyone has sinned. We all sinned. We are like the lake that got lost in the forest. At last, he sat down, not knowing what to do, and waited for someone to see him. Are you lost? Do you know where to go?

Hope For You

You don’t have to lose and live in sin. There is no need to despair. Jesus Christ has opened the way to a happy life. He has also opened the gates of heaven for you.

Maybe you are poor as a beggar or rich like a millionaire, very respectable or not, you have a chance to receive the Lord Jesus.

Jesus said in His Word, “I will by no means cast out anyone who comes to me” (John 6:37)

There is hope for you too. You can come to this friend of all people and be saved from your sins. As he has the authority to forgive our sins.

Jesus Will Give You Peace

A teacher took his wristwatch in his hand and said that the one who would come here to get the watch would be his.No one came forward except the youngest boy in the class. To everyone’s surprise, he got the watch.

They just couldn’t trust the teacher. They thought the gift was pretty good. Now the opportunity is gone. The little boy received the award.

Jesus has a greater reward for us. He said, “All of you who are tired and exhausted, come to me; I will give them rest (Matthew 11:28).

Many have responded to his call. Do you want to respond to his call? He is calling you now because these words are for you. If you are tired of the burden of sin, if you are in trouble, if the worries in life seem as heavy as a stone to your body, come to Jesus, He will give you rest.

He will erase your sinful past. He will remove the burden of your thoughts. You can leave all the problems on him because he will take care of you. He is now extending his hand to help you.

You Can Receive Jesus’ Gift Now

The little boy trusted his teacher, walked up to the table, and got the watch. In the same way, you can receive the gift that Jesus wants you to receive.

You may say in your mind, what should I do? God’s Word says, “Trust in the Lord Jesus, and you will be saved from sin.” (Acts 16:31).

If you look at the Lord, you will see. How sinful and say, I have no hope. That is how I cannot come to the Lord.

Listen to Jesus, “Come to me, all you who are tired and weary.” He did not tell you to be free from your sins, to cleanse your life.

No, come just the way you are. Tell him about your sins, talk about your problems, and confess to those you have wronged.

Believe that Jesus hears your words. Come to Jesus, believe me, as the boy did, Jesus will give you peace of mind and rest your soul.

Let’s see what else Jesus said. “He that believeth on me, and believeth on him that sent me, hath everlasting life, and shall not be condemned; he is passed from death unto life (John 5:24). Notice the last part,” Death. Has passed in life.

It does not require much time. Sin has been paid and right now you can be free. Jesus died on the cross and paid the penalty for our sins. There your sins have been paid. But you must look to Jesus, who died on the cross instead of you.

Do you believe it? Relying on Jesus’ Word, can you accept Jesus and leave the burden of your sins and problems to Him? 

Now pray to him, Confess your sins and accept free gifts and peace; Be born again and a child of God. In the third chapter of John the Bible, Jesus says, “You need to be born again. This means being born in the Holy Spirit.

You Can Be Happy With Christ

Accepting Jesus will take away your old desire for sin. Even sin will not seem attractive. Your heart will be filled with peace and the futility of the world will not please you.

You enjoy reading the Bible. You read it carefully and listen to it. You also love those you didn’t like before. You have a close relationship with God through prayer at home and in church. And take the power to defeat the devil.

When trials or temptations come, you know that God is always near, ready to help you even in difficult situations. As your Christian life grows, you will spend more time reading the Bible and praying to God. You feel that prayer is the ‘responsible breath of Christianity’ – you can’t go on without it.

You Can Work For Jesus

Knowing that the Lord has saved you from sin, you want to do something for Him. You will begin to tell others about your experience with the Lord. Be happy to speak along and want others to have the same experience as you.

When you better understand the Bible. Learn, you will go further and help those who are in sin, again you can help in other works of the church.

You can help your children to attend Sunday school, Bible classes, and church activities. You can be a witness of the Lord among the Lakes.

God will lead you into the active Christian life. In this way, you can show respect and gratitude to God for what God has done for your life. God calls every Christian to serve him.

The apostle Paul gave us some good instructions in this regard. He said, ……. My dear brothers, stand firm, so that nothing can move the Tamas. Always dedicate yourselves wholeheartedly to the work of the Lord, for you know that your labor is not in vain for his work. ” (1 Corinthians 15:58).

One thing we must not forget is obedience to the Bible and the Holy Spirit, which guides us to the truth. Jesus emphasized that we must obey the will of our heavenly Father. Read the Bible, (Matthew 7:21).

God Will Reward You

So how will God reward you? There are actually two stages to the award. One is here in this lifetime. The other is in the hereafter, after death, if we live a victorious and obedient life by the grace of God. Such a life brings blessings for our present life. Let us look again at Jesus’ words, I am leaving peace for you, my peace I am

I give to them, I do not give as the world gives. Let not their hearts be troubled, neither let them be afraid ”(John 14:27).

The peace Jesus speaks of here is only for those whose sins have been forgiven, whose hearts have been washed white with the blood of Jesus. This peace is for those who have completely given their lives to Jesus.

One of the blessings in the Christian life is the peace that Jesus gave people. You can find peace in your heart if you turn to the Lord for all your problems. That is part of the reward.

Jesus helps you to resist temptation. When you call on Him for help, He answers your prayers. Sinners do not get this help.

If you are faithful to the Lord, you will be rewarded in heaven. Despair may come to you in this life, but in heaven, you will find eternal happiness. When you go to heaven, all the problems and worries of your life will be gone.

 You will live forever with God and the angels and all faithful Christians. This is the eternal reward.

Jesus Is Coming Soon

The Bible tells us that Jesus will return. He is not becoming a loving savior like before. This time he will be a judge and he will reward each one according to his deeds. ” (Matthew 16:27).

Sinners will go to the place prepared for Satan and his angels. They will have no hope. No one can turn them to God for the forgiveness of sins.

The Bible describes it this way: They will be thrown into outer darkness. There the people will cry and gnash their teeth in pain. ” (Matthew 8:12) Jesus warned about our place, that those who eat the flesh of dead people in hell will never die, and the fire will never be extinguished ”(Mark 9:48).

When the Lord comes, don’t be afraid, for you are a child of the Lord. Jesus is coming to take his children to heaven. He says to you, be careful, be careful and pray, for you do not know when that day will come. (Mark 13:33). He can come tonight too!

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